In English

The Swedish Gender Equality Agency plays a major role in coordinating the national work against prostitution and trafficking in human beings.

The Swedish Gender Equality Agency is tasked with coordinating the activities against trafficking in human beings at a national level. The National Coordination Against Prostitution and Trafficking in Human Beings (NSPM) involves developing cooperation between authorities and other actors, as well as with international actors, and assisting authorities with methodological support and capacity development. 

The National Coordination has the authority and responsibility to act against trafficking for all purposes, including:

  • sexual purposes
  • removal of body organs
  • military service
  • forced labour
  • forced begging
  • criminal activity.

National support structure

Part of the national coordination at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency is the National Task Force against Prostitution and Human Trafficking. The National Task Force consists of government agencies that work against prostitution and trafficking in human beings, and serves as a strategic and operative resource for the development of the coordination of government agencies and NGOs.

The goal is to prevent prostitution and trafficking for all purposes in Sweden. An important part of the work is to improve the protection of victims and increase the prosecution of perpetrators. 

A special support structure designed to assist the government agencies has been developed within this government agency framework. The support structure includes a telephone helpline +46(0)20-390 000, a return programme, and a number of regional coordinators against prostitution and trafficking. We also provide the National Referral Mechanism.

For more information about the National Coordination and prostitution and human trafficking please visit the Swedish Gender Equality Agency's website.

Publiceringsdatum: 16 mars 2023

Senast uppdaterad: 11 juni 2024